

FT_CreateSpatialIndex builds a spatial index by inserting spatial objects stored in a spatial dataset. The elements are indexed one-by-one. It returns true if the spatial index is successfully constructed and false otherwise.


Bool FT_CreateSpatialIndex(integer index_id, text apath, integer src_id, integer bc_id, integer sc_id, integer buf_id, bool apply_fai=false, bool apply_stdbuffer=false, integer statistic_option=1, integer location_stat_data=1, text file=NULL);


FT_CreateSpatialIndex builds a spatial index by inserting spatial objects stored in a spatial dataset. The elements are indexed one-by-one. It returns true if the spatial index is successfully constructed and false otherwise.

FT_CreateSpatialIndex is a workload that employs the following FESTIval operations:


The connected user of the database must be permission to read and write in the directory storing the index file. Otherwise, an error is returned.


It is important to keep the correspondence between the spatial index and its underlying spatial dataset. Hence, make sure that every indexed spatial object also exists in its underlying spatial dataset. This kind of control is out of scope of FESTIval.

FT_CreateSpatialIndex is defined as follows:

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION FT_CreateSpatialIndex(index_id int4, apath text, src_id int4, bc_id int4, sc_id int4, buf_id int4, apply_fai bool default false, apply_stdbuffer bool default false, statistic_option int4 default 1, location_stat_data int4 default 1, file text default NULL)
    RETURNS bool AS 
        src REFCURSOR; rec RECORD;
        i INTEGER; total INTEGER := 0;
        sch VARCHAR; tab VARCHAR; colu VARCHAR; pk VARCHAR;
        EXECUTE 'SELECT schema_name, table_name, column_name, pk_name 
                 FROM fds.source 
                 WHERE src id = $1' 
                 INTO sch, tab, colu, pk USING src id;
        EXECUTE 'SELECT count(*) 
                 FROM ' || sch || '.' || tab 
                 INTO total;
        PERFORM FT_StartCollectStatistics();
        PERFORM FT_CreateEmptySpatialIndex(index_id, apath, src_id, bc_id, sc_id, buf_id);
        WHILE (i <= total) LOOP
            OPEN src FOR EXECUTE 'SELECT ' || pk || ' as pk, ' || colu || ' as geom 
                                  FROM ' || sch || '.' || tab || ' 
                                  ORDER BY ' || pk || ' 
                                  LIMIT 100000 OFFSET $1' 
                                  USING i; LOOP
                FETCH src INTO rec;
                EXIT WHEN NOT FOUND;
                PERFORM FT_Insert(apath, rec.pk, rec.geom);
            END LOOP;
            CLOSE src; 
            i := i + 100000;
        END LOOP;
        IF (apply_fai AND (index_id = 4 OR index_id = 5 OR index_id = 6 OR index_id = 7 OR
            index_id = 8 OR index_id = 9 OR index_id = 10)) THEN 
            PERFORM FT_ApplyAllModificationsForFAI(apath);
        END IF;
        IF (apply_stdbuffer) THEN
            PERFORM FT_ApplyAllModificationsFromBuffer(apath); 
        END IF;
        PERFORM FT_StoreStatisticalData(apath, statistic_option, location_stat_data, file);
        RETURN true; 
COST 500;

Examples of usage#

--first example:
SELECT FT_SetExecutionName('Creating R-tree over brazil_points2017');
SELECT FT_CreateSpatialIndex(1, '/opt/linear_rtree', 7, 6, 18, 4);

--second example:
SELECT FT_SetExecutionName('Creating R-tree over brazil_points2017');
SELECT FT_CreateSpatialIndex(1, '/opt/linear_rtree2', 7, 6, 18, 4, false, false, 4);