Contributing to FESTIval#

The project welcomes contributions from three different perspectives. You can contribute to FESTIval by making Pull Requests on FESTIval GitHub Reposity. Alternately, contact Anderson Carniel by sending an email to When a Pull Request or email is sent, Anderson Carniel will check it as soon as possible.

The following sections brief the workflow of how to complete a contribution according to the three types of perspectives.

Suggestion of new functionalities#

Please, send us suggestions of new features to be added to FESTIval. We will certainly appreciate it.

We recommend that you send us your suggestion by answering the following questions:

  • Why the new feature is important?
  • What the new feature should do?
  • How the new feature should work? (if you have some tips, they will help us to consider your suggestion)

Development of code#

Code contributions are welcome. They should include the following information:

  • Documentation on functions.
  • If the code is the correction of an existing functionality, please indicate test cases that support your code.
  • Updates on the documentation, if needed.

We will then analyze your contribution and add a corresponding license header, if the change is accepted.

Improvement of the documentation#

Improving the FESTIval's documentation can be performed by:

  • better explaning the FESTIval's features.
  • adding new examples and workloads.
  • providing new spatial datasets.
  • correcting the current version of the documentation.
  • and other types of action.