
FESTIval is completely described in the following journal paper:

FESTIval has also been employed to evaluate techniques for indexing spatial on flash-based Solid State Drives:

FESTIval has been used as the main tool to understand the impact of SSDs on the spatial indexing context, as described in:

FESTIval also provides support for flash simulators (e.g., FlashDBSim) when analyzing the performance of spatial indices, such as reported in:

In order to facilitate the execution of experiments, FESTIval provides default spatial datasets. They are specified in:

Originally, FESTIval has been developed in the context of the Ph.D. work of Anderson C. Carniel. The main goals of this Ph.D. work are described in:

The first prototype of FESTIval was published in:

This version only encompasses the implementation of the following disk-based spatial indices: the R-tree and the R*-tree.