

FT_ApplyAllModificationsFromBuffer applies all the modifications stored in the general-purpose in-memory buffer (e.g., LRU) of the index spatial, if any. It returns true if the operation is successfully performed and false otherwise.


Bool FT_ApplyAllModificationsFromBuffer(text index_name, text index_path);

Bool FT_ApplyAllModificationsFromBuffer(text apath);


FT_ApplyAllModificationsFromBuffer applies all the modifications stored in the general-purpose in-memory buffer (e.g., LRU) of the index spatial, if any. It returns true if the operation is successfully performed and false otherwise.

FT_ApplyAllModificationsFromBuffer has two versions and its parameters are:

  • index_name is the name of the index file.
  • index_directory is the directory path that stores the index file.
  • apath is the absolute path of the index file.


  • If the spatial index does not use a general-purpose buffer manager, FT_ApplyAllModificationsFromBuffer does nothing and returns true.
  • The management of the general-purpose buffer includes flushing operations whenever the buffer is full. On the other hand, modifications can still be stored in the main memory after processing an index operation. Thus, before disconnecting from the database, this function could be called in order to apply the modifications that were not written to the storage device yet.
  • This function does not collect and store statistical data. However, collecting the order of reads and writes is possible (see FT_CollectOrderOfReadWrite).


The connected user of the database must be permission to read and write in the directory storing the index file. Otherwise, an error is returned.


--setting the execution name since we will now insert a new object
SELECT FT_SetExecutionName('a single insertion');

SELECT FT_AInsert('r-tree', '/opt/festival_indices/', 50, 
    ST_GeomFromText('POLYGON((-6349160.26886151 -751965.038197354,-6349160.26886151 -606557.85245731,-6211936.96741955 -606557.85245731,-6211936.96741955 -751965.038197354,-6349160.26886151 -751965.038197354))', 3857)

--applying all modifications stored in the general-purpose buffer manager
SELECT FT_ApplyAllModificationsFromBuffer('r-tree', '/opt/festival_indices/');

See Also#