Installation Guide#

The following guide will help you to install FESTIval from the source onto various operating systems based on Linux.

Downloading FESTIval#

FESTIval is publicly available at GitHub and you can download its most recent version at GitHub page.


The dependencies of FESTIval are:

  • PostgreSQL 9.5 (or later)
  • PostGIS 2.2.1 (or later until 2.5 - this means that FESTIval is not compatible with PostGIS >= 3)
  • GEOS library (the version compatible with the PostGIS version)


Dependencies .so of PostGIS should be located at the directory named lib of PostgreSQL (e.g., PostgreSQL/9.5/lib)


In the terminal at the directory of the source code of FESTIval:

sudo make install postgis=/PATH/TO/YOUR/POSTGIS_SOURCE_CODE


You have to inform the full path of the PostGIS's source code in the parameter postgis (i.e., the root directory of the PostGIS). This means that you need to install the PostGIS from its source code.

Enabling FESTIval in a Database#

Connect to your database using pgAdmin or psql, and execute the following SQL statements to enable FESTIval.



The database need to be created with PostGIS template or has the postgis extension enabled (i.e., by executing the SQL statement CREATE EXTENSION postgis;).


If you need to do a backup of the FESTIval's data schema, please copy the content of all tables from fds to another schema and then make the backup on this new schema. This procedure is needed because of the management of extension of PostgreSQL.

This command will create several tables in a new schema called fds. By using the tables of this schema, you are able to retrieve statistical data after executing operations handling spatial indices.

To disable FESTIval in a database, you can simply execute the following SQL statement:



Be careful before dropping a table. Disabling FESTIval will also delete its data schema, including their stored data!

FESTIval also provides a set of files that contain default values for relational tables of fds. It is available in the directory called default-values. The commands below shows the extraction of the file default-values-files.tar.xz and the execution of the script festival-inserts.sql.

# in the root directory of FESTIval's source code
cd default-values/
tar -xvf default-values-files.tar.xz
cd ..
psql -U user -d database -vfestivaldir=/f_path/ -f /f_path/festival-inserts.sql

where user is the user name of the PostgreSQL, database is the database name in which FESTIval is enabled, and /f_path/ is the full path of the FESTIval’s source code.